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About Me



It took numerous attempts to complete this 'About Me' section. Talking,

or in this case writing, about myself does not come easily or naturally to me. I find it a tad daunting, which may explain why I avoided social media for so long, and still do whenever I can.
When I started this site a few years back, blogging and the world of "Insta" and #hashtag’s was completely foreign to me. Even a couple of years later I am still grappling with the basics. So please bear me with me.
So back to that about me…
My name is Emma Cartmel, and I am an Aussie living in beautiful Munich with my husband, Ben, and our pug, Harley. While Munich has stolen a big part of my heart, I will always call Australia home!


I have degrees in Design (Fashion), Business (Marketing and Management), and Psychology, and experience working in education, and production, buying, and design within the clothing and textiles industry.


I have had a bit of a love/hate relationship with the fashion industry throughout my career. Whilst I have always loved the creativity and expressiveness that the industry garners, I have also become privy to its unique pressures, at time unethical supply chain practices, environmental costs, and influences on mental health. It was for these latter reasons that I took a break from the industry.
While deciding to leave the industry was extremely difficult, taking a couple of years off to travel, study toward my psychology degree, and gain some experience working within the health services and education sectors really helped to re-ground me.
In particular, my time spent living in London had a dramatic impact on me. I started to find myself gravitating back to the world of fashion, this time researching and writing about human behaviour relevant to fashion and business, drawing together my academic and creative experience and skills. In particular, I became interested in ethical and sustainable practices within the industry, and the impacts these have on the individuals (both worker and consumer) involved.
Something really started to shift in me, and my lifestyle choices dramatically changed. I found myself analysing the wardrobe I owned, investigating fibres and questioning who made my clothes. I was sewing more, buying less, and choosing to buy sustainable and ethical fashion whenever I could. I was also burying myself in books, podcasts, and attending talks related to the production, consumption and disposal of fashion.
So this has all led me to my blog, a way to share with you how we can all slow down a little, celebrate the handmade wardrobe, and enjoy fashion mindfully!

I would love it if you stayed and perused my site, and hopefully you are left feeling a little more curious or motivated - just like me!

Thank you for visiting xx

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